I started thinking of this from a meme that it turns out originates from YikYak, an app I haven’t thought about since 2016. I saw it in the context of fake dialogue someone had put over a Doctor Wh...
Lacy and the vet
First off, let me say that Lacy loved the vet. They would get down on the ground with her, roll around and take her temperature. Lacy loved everyone, but she especially loved anyone who would get d...
Lacy and the gas leak
This is a story about the time Lacy saved the neighborhood. We were out for our walk, a day like any other. Me, my wife, and my big dumb dog (she didn’t know she was a hero yet). We rounded one co...
Why I Became a Foster Parent
One of the questions I get asked most often (aside from “are you colorblind?” — I’m not!) is “why did you become a foster parent?” Like any complex decisions, there wasn’t a single factor, but I’l...
Meeting Lacy
The first time I met Lacy, it was in a PetSmart downtown. My wife had been looking at dogs online for days, and asked if we could “just meet this one”. I reluctantly agreed, on the understanding th...
A partial list of things Lacy ate (by the evidence left behind)
One pit (6 avocados) Shredded cardboard (a family-sized box of granola bars) The zipper part of a zip-lock bag (a gallon ziplock of cookies) Shredded cardboard (an entire sleeve of Saltine...
October 2024 Roundup
Below are things I’ve learned or found interesting in the past month: This 2017 blog post, Reality has a Surprising Amount of Detail. Per this map by Mark Lotto, only 13 states a...
The Scruffles Saga
April 2024. I’m picking up my son from track practice when we spot a small white ball of fur on the sidewalk. It’s a dog. A small thing, not big like Lacy. The kind of dog you could carry in your a...
2 and 1: Tech
Two pieces of technology that I love, and one that I do not. I am not affiliated with any of the below products or companies. We use pieces of technology every day. The best ones are entirely inv...
Video Game Ratings
In 2018, I decided to start keeping track of the video games I had played. I believe I did this because my memory was faulty. Someone would ask me about a game, and I’d remember that I’d played it,...