From The Hart

What to expect when you're Kickstarting (part 2)

The Campaign Itself What should it look like? Make a video. 30 seconds to three minutes. Ideally show off the art, but most importantly, tell me what I’m getting. Art sells games, and people resp...

What to expect when you're Kickstarting (part 1)

This article is based off of a 2021 Twitter Thread. What to expect when you’re Kickstarting (Part 1) Or, what I learned from my first three campaigns. Before the Kickstarter Budget Budget! Reme...

On Private Spaces

Private Community Spaces As a designer, one of the most important things you can do for your craft is to surround yourself with your peers, friends, and mentors. Throughout the ages, artists have ...

Starting Small

This is the second post in the So You Want To Make A Game? series. Like most entries in this series, it was written by a guest author. Starting Small  As part of doing a podcast about gaming conv...

A Beginner's Guide to Affordable Layout

This is the first post in the So You Want To Make A Game? series. Like most entries in this series, it was written by a guest author. So you’ve written (or are writing) a roleplaying game, and now...

Spire Play Report: An Ordinary Lantern Session 3

Two good eggs facing the consequences of Hekate’s actions Reeling from their encounter with the guards, the group made their way towards Derelictus, passing first through St. Pertida’s Circle, whe...

Coming soon: so you want to make a game?

I’m starting a new blog series called So you want to make a game. This series will cover various aspects of game design, creation, and publication including: How to source art on a budget? Le...

Spire Play Report: An Ordinary Lantern Session 2

Nix and Ishalle encountered two drow guards patrolling Ivory Row. One of the guards was thin and wiry, the other was solidly built. The guards asked them why they were out after curfew, and demande...

Spire Play Report: An Ordinary Lantern Session 1

Nix, an Azurite Ishalle, a Midwife Hekate, a Knight Zhaver, a Carrion-Priest We start with two quick scenes of agents being given assignments from their Ministry contacts. Hekate is new to the Mi...

Sly 2: What it means to be the best

I know I’m 20 years late to this one. I don’t promise timely takes. I get to games when I can, which is often way after they come out. It’s part of the reason I’m so averse to spoilers. Sly 2 is, ...