From The Hart

2023 Recap: Movies

My goal in 2023 was to watch 30 movies, and near as I can tell, I’ve done it. It’s slightly tricky because I watched one movie twice, and watched a couple of films I’d seen before (marked below wit...

2023 Recap: Video Games

As of the time I write this post, I have finished 25 video games this year. I’m currently playing through the second Sly Cooper game (Sly 2: Band of Thieves), though it’s unclear if I’ll finish it ...

Against Spoiler Culture

I’m more sensitive to spoilers than most. When I recommend shows to people, I lie to them. If they want specifics, I give false things that carry the same vibe. WHen I recommend Andor to people, I...

Stumbling into books

Stumbling into books When I was young, I spent a lot of time at the library. As it turns out, I discovered some of my favorite books there, but not in the way you’d expect. Much of the time I spe...

XCOM and the Perils of Adaptations

XCOM and the perils of adaptations Many video games have been adapted into board games: Slay the Spire, XCOM, and This War of Mine are three of the most prominent. But there’s a challenge to makin...

You should use an RSS reader

What is RSS RSS stands for Really Simply Syndication, but don’t worry about that. Worry instead that it’s the best tool for the internet that you may not know about. Shortly, RSS lets you gather ...

Building a Roll20 Character Sheet Session 12: Publishing Your Sheet

Submitting your character sheet to Roll20 First off all, congratulations. Seriously, this was a lot of work, and I’m proud of you. No matter how long it took you, or how much experience you had b...

Building a Roll20 Character Sheet Session 11: Advanced Topics

This is the last session where I’ll talk about making changes to your character sheet. Next session will be all about submitting it to Roll20. Here, you’ll learn about switching between tabs, auto...

Building a Roll20 Character Sheet Session 10: Roll Templates

What Are Roll Templates Roll templates are styled pieces of HTML that display certain data in the Roll20 chat window. They are tiny, reusable pieces of HTML that define a layout for different pa...

Building a Roll20 Character Sheet Session 9: Reacting in Roll20 With JavaScript

Last session we learned about variables and functions, as well as conditionals and loops. These combined make up the basic elements of JavaScript. Now, we’re going to put these elements to good use...