Home 2023 Recap: TV

2023 Recap: TV

I’m not very good at watching TV shows, but there’s been quite a few recommended to me, and I try to make my way through them.

Below is a rough ordering (from least favorite to most enjoyed) of TV (and Dropout.tv) shows I watched at least some of this year. Selected commentary included. Many of these I only watched a few episodes of.

  • Medici When I watched The Tudors, one of my favorite parts was reading about the events portrayed and seeing how accurate the show was. As far as I could tell, most of this show was made up. Still a fun watch, for the couple of episodes I saw.

  • Dimension 20: Fantasy High (Sophomore Year)
  • The Muppet Show(1968)
  • Futurama (Season 8) The old charm isn’t quite here.
  • Um, Actually This one has slowly grown on me.

  • Prison Break(Season 1) Good gravy was this show violent! I expected a reverse heist, and we did get that, but also a lot of violence committed by people who act like ‘crap’ is a terrible swear. It was very clear how and when they were budging against the censors here.

  • Star Wars: The Clone Wars
  • Brooklyn 99 I watched the first season or two of this while terribly sick, and it got some good laughs out of me.

  • Only Murders In The Building (Season 3)
  • Dimension 20: Fantasy High (Season 1)
  • Make Some Noise
  • Scrubs (Season 3)
  • Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
  • Dimension 20: Of Mice and Murders
  • Dimension 20: Mentopolis
  • Game Changer
  • Jury Duty
  • Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur I laughed, I cried. I was very sick while watching this. That cartoon dino is so dang expressive. I loved this show.
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2023 Recap: Board Games