From The Hart

Crackpot Tetris

The other day1. Crackpot Tetris. The other day I bleeted2 about my belief that Tetris may be the best video game ever made. I later clarified that, like a reasonable person, I don’t consider the ...

A handful of steam (part 2)

Rogue Waters Pirate-themed XCOM It’s an XCOM, complete with tactical turn-based combat. This is thoroughly pirate-themed, with ship-to ship combat occurring before each fight. You can cleverly ...

A handful of Steam (part 1)

This week, I’m reviewing 5 Steam demos that have either been lurking on my backlog, or (in the case of Monster Train 2) I just found out about today. Possibly because it was just released today. M...

Quick reviews: January 2025

Books and Comics Starstruck (2/5) Sometimes one of my kids will come home from school and tell me a long, involved story featuring people I’ve never met and events I don’t understand. I li...

Leveling up in Excel (Part 2)

Last time, I explained how there are ten tiers of spreadsheet mastery, and that by conquering each of them you unlock a new level of proficiency. The first 5 are competency, while these five bring ...

January 2025 Roundup

Below are things I’ve learned, remembered, or found interesting in the past month: Courtesy of Astral Codex 10, the Southern Television Broadcast Interruption, where a broadcast was interr...

We are all dinos playtest report

Later this year, I will be releasing We Are All Dinos at the Dino Show, a LARP-lite game about pretending to be a dinosaur. Last weekend, I ran the first public playtest for the game. Before I tel...

Leveling up in Excel (part 1)

Long gone are the days where spreadsheets were exclusively the domain of tweed-wearing accountants with horn-rimmed glasses in musty basements and beige cubicles. Today, spreadsheets are identified...

Steal this tech: pool points

This is part of my ongoing series about tech I’d like to see more of in TTRPGs. If they come, you gotta build it I don’t enjoy encounter design. Let me rephrase. I love designing encounters. I l...

Software I recommend

Last year, I posted about things that improve my life. These were largely material items and goods that make my life better. I spend a lot of time on the computer. Some would say too much. Below I...