From The Hart

A partial list of things Lacy ate (by the evidence left behind)

One pit (6 avocados) Shredded cardboard (a family-sized box of granola bars) The zipper part of a zip-lock bag (a gallon ziplock of cookies) Shredded cardboard (an entire sleeve of Saltine...

October 2024 Roundup

Below are things I’ve learned or found interesting in the past month: This 2017 blog post, Reality has a Surprising Amount of Detail. Per this map by Mark Lotto, only 13 states a...

The Scruffles Saga

April 2024. I’m picking up my son from track practice when we spot a small white ball of fur on the sidewalk. It’s a dog. A small thing, not big like Lacy. The kind of dog you could carry in your a...

2 and 1: Tech

Two pieces of technology that I love, and one that I do not. I am not affiliated with any of the below products or companies. We use pieces of technology every day. The best ones are entirely inv...

Video Game Ratings

In 2018, I decided to start keeping track of the video games I had played. I believe I did this because my memory was faulty. Someone would ask me about a game, and I’d remember that I’d played it,...

Saying goodbye to my friend

We put my dog down last week. My friend Rachel came over once we knew it was the day. I was volunteering at my son’s school when my wife called in tears. Lacy wouldn’t stop throwing up. I drove ...

Things I love 2

Board Games Decrypto For a quick minute, Codenames was the hot party game on the block. You’ve got a pattern of words, and you give a clue to your partner(s) to try and have them guess as many as...

Please steal this: reusable items

I want items to matter. The default way of looking at items comes from video games like Final Fantasy. You buy a bunch of potions, then glug them down after (or during!) a hard fight. You pick up ...

August Roundup

Below are things I’ve learned or found interesting in the past month: Late because I forgot the month rolled over! The standardization of political colors in the US (with democrats being b...

Pokemon Go (2024)

Like everyone else, I played Pokemon Go in 2026. And like many people, I put it down sometime in 2017 (a reasonable guess in March, when I took a trip to Chicago and spun pokestops around all the f...